Allows control of the vector display density. |
Sets the vector display density in percentage. |
Sets the vector display type. |
Sets the vector length multiplier. |
Sets the result vector length type. |
Displays the X axis vector of the triad/tensor. |
Displays the Y axis vector of the triad/tensor. |
Displays the Z axis vector of the triad/tensor. |
Property detail#
- property VectorDisplay.ControlDisplayDensity: bool | None#
Allows control of the vector display density.
- property VectorDisplay.DisplayType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.VectorDisplayType | None#
Sets the vector display type.
- property VectorDisplay.LengthType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.VectorLengthType | None#
Sets the result vector length type.